The BIG 4-0! Yep, 40 and feeling fab……
I just celebrated my 40th birthday and wow, can’t believe I’m here already!
As I’ve been reflecting the last decade, I have to say that my 30’s were some of the best and some of the worst years of my life so far. I think I learned a lot more in my 30’s than I did in my 20’s and definitely accomplished a lot more. It’s amazing what life can be like when you quit all the time and health wasting habits.
I launched BMM, my fitness company and had the opportunity to travel the world. I wrote 8 books about health and wellness and helped as many people as I could to create healthy habits and success. God taught me that health was not all just what we do but that it is also a gift and what we do with it is up to us. He also taught me humility during these years as my health took some unexpected turns from injuries and illness out of my control. Fitness has been a large part of my calling to help people be healthy as it is the root of many successes or failures.
My faith and relationship with God grew as He walked me through some heart aches and failures during these years. By His grace He gave me deeper understanding of His love and mercy all while building a deeper trust in Him. I am forever grateful for the challenges and lessons. I see things very differently than many of my peers because of the life changing challenges I faced but can truly say joy lives in me in a way I never could imagine before the hardships. He showed me His power to heal not only the body but the heart also. Gratitude is a great medicine for a variety of life disruptions but these words ring true more than ever….
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding – Proverbs 9:10.
I went back to school for my psychology degree and found many reasons to follow other pursuits rather than get my masters degree. My opinion of university level education changed after this experience and I am grateful for the wakeup call. My study time was useful for the process of life lessons, relationships and my clients needs but felt there was other opportunities that would be more enjoyable long term for me and I followed my heart.
I tried new and exciting careers such as diamontology, land development, Real Estate and community supports and as well as launched my marketing business all while still coaching others with their fitness and health goals or business coaching. I am now full of experiences and do a variety of the things I love the most.
At the end of my 30’s I was recovering from some pretty hard injuries including a very bad car accident and learned compassion and empathy as well as boundaries for wholeness and health. I’m extremely pleased with the life lessons and forever grateful for God’s healing touch on my life. It kind of feels like a second chance of sorts but was a good time to rest and focus on what’s next in my life journey.
Proverbs 16:9 We make our own plans, but the Lord decides where we will go.
Some things in life you learn with time and experience. Your age can give you perspective that only time can bring but your age doesn’t determine your growth. Growth is a daily choice and action of trying something different when one thing or another doesn’t work. Settling is also a choice brought on by just doing what’s easiest. I don’t usually take the easy road, yes, I have plenty of bumps and bruises but I can truly say, I have no regrets.
Knowing things through experience is sometimes the only way you can truly know a thing for yourself. Here is a random list of things I learned but is clearly limited because in 10 years I’ve learn so much the list would be too long to name them all. I have changed a ton in the last decade including my focus, my lifestyle in general and my convictions. The lines in the sand for me are not nearly as blurred as they once were.
– Love yourself first and learn how to do that well so you can truly love others. Loving yourself without wisdom can lead to selfishness and pile on more problems than you can imagine. Seek the author of love for wisdom in all things and you will have all you need.
– Taking care of your health will benefit you more than taking care of your bank account but one without the other is a waste.
– Breaking bad habits is hard but worth the struggle.
– Comparing your life to others is a waste of time and one of the worst forms of deception.
– The less time on social media the happier and healthier people are.
– The road to hell is laced with promises that never deliver.
– The more truth you speak the less people will want you around. Real friends appreciate the truth but don’t usually need you to tell it to them because they already know. Truthers find and appreciate other truthers.
-Being disciplined is easier to maintain if you start young and stay consistent.
– How you treat people says a lot about who you are.
– Working hard produces great results in solving problems of various types.
– Working hard, isn’t always the answer.
– Learn to rest or you will be forced to.
– Finding purpose is better than a big pay cheque.
– You can waste a lot of time trying to feel better by distraction or you can go out and try and help others and you can feel better a lot faster.
– Helping others is an important key to health and happiness.
– Prayers work in a mysterious way
– Jesus is the way the life and the truth and no one goes to God except through Him.
– Travel is an amazing gift.
– You can live with very little and have a lot of peace and joy.
– You can have everything and be depressed
– I learned that there is a lot of people that want to help you in life but you should always count the cost. Free help is rarely free.
– You can be in the most amazing place in the world and not be having a great time.
– Faith can truly change everything.
– Some people have to fight harder for what’s there’s but everyone fights a battle of sorts.
– Walking away is a useful life skill and can have a load of health benefits.
– No one gets out alive
-Whether you want to admit it or not many of the things you do on the regular are either giving you live or stealing it. Many people have these things mixed up.
– What is bad seems so good until it’s not. ( The wages of sin is death, BUT…. God truly does help you change if you ask)
Life is a gift and having it to this point is a gift. I am so thankful for what I was given and the opportunities. I can’t wait to see what’s next. I hope I can continue to share and grow with you all. Thank you for all the support over the years. It’s been incredible.