A Whole New World

by Claire Rae
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The seasons changing is always a great time to reflect on what you have accomplished so far throughout the year. I have been so busy doing my new life that I’ve actually fallen behind on blogging and sharing as I used to. Well, I guess if you are following me on Youtube you will know that I’m still sharing, just in a different way and about what I believe is the most important part of our health and wellness journey. 


Anyway, I have to say that my life has rapidly changed in the last few years and even more so in the last year. My vision and priorities have changed and although health and wellness is still my main focus and concern for my people, I have realized that the order and priorities have been a little misleading to say the least. In my correction of this, I feel a little novice and perhaps more of a student than a teacher at this point when it comes to self sustainable living, gardening and harvesting of organic, pesticide free herbs and vegetables. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not entirely new in terms of diet or the need for whole foods, it’s just it has been a long time since I was fully immersed in the garden life and all the details to it. It’s not as easy as you might think and it’s quite consuming when you really start getting into it. Anyway… here’s to a start and the joy of the opportunity, as I realize that not everyone has this kind of opportunity. Thought I’d take a second to share a little and help inspire you to move towards community living and local harvesting of sorts.


As much as I would have loved to buy a property and just go to town on my own garden, I realize the work load can be quite large and prayed for someone to help on the journey. God provided something even better… as per usual. Having a dream is just the beginning of possibilities when it comes to God’s plans and sometimes the dream doesn’t outline the challenges at first but as you pursue you are bound to find out both the challenge and the blessings in the journey ahead.

To make a long story short, I met a couple at my local church I joined and we connected right away. It just so happened they had the same dream as I did and had already started their journey of growing their own crops. Also from Alberta and living quite similarly as myself in terms of walking in faith and just trusting God to show the way. They allowed me to tag along after church on Sundays where we made a weekly ritual of morning church, afternoon gardening and river dipping( mostly because it was so hot we had to and of course it’s so fun! ) but it was the perfect intro to learning all about the ins and outs of harvesting my own crops and if the work was worth the effort or if perhaps community gardening was viable. It truly was a win/win as there were always plenty of weeds to pick and lots of fun visiting to be had. It really was a great exchange and time well spent. Plus with all that “grounding” I’ve been feeling incredible in terms of healing. They gave me plenty of organic veggies for food in return for my labour and that was a generous payment considering the cost of groceries these days. The truth is I had such a great time, I would have done it for free


As for the herbs, there is a lot to learn and share and perhaps I don’t feel confident yet in that department, but I’ll tell you that I did come down with a pretty heavy duty cold in June and was fed herbs and pine needle tea for a few days and found that I was able to recover quite nicely. I don’t know if it was just running its course or the herbs helped but it was nice not to go to the doctor or spend money on over the counter meds. I do believe the earth was showered with remedies for all our issues and God can lead us to the right thing at the right time. Plus, herbs are just beautiful and smell amazing. God’s creation is so cool.

Well, that’s it for now and I look forward to the fall harvest and all that will bring in terms of canning and community baking and sorry I’ve been so busy but it’s just part of transitioning. Hope all is well and chat soon.

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