Farm life- Healing Phase 4

by Claire Rae
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I wish everyone got to enjoy the farm life even just for a little while…..


I feel strongly that this is just another story of God’s grace and abundance. Last year I was still in recovery from a very bad car accident and series of brain injuries and I really needed healing in my body and brain. Sometimes it’s hard to admit that I’m still in recovery and some symptoms are still kicking around from my concussions. They are slight at this point and it can be hard to see it from the outside and even harder to explain. I often think I’m perfectly healed and then some little thing will come up that’s not easily explained. I often also wonder if it’s a game of, is this me just getting older or maybe it’s my diet or something else. You know when you are in recovery it can be outright confusing to explain to others or even yourself.

The bottom line is that I’m doing amazing considering all that happened in the last few years and the healing journey has been progressing in which I’m ridiculously thankful for ( *note, if you missed it…snowboarding accident brain injury followed by a tumour followed by a car accident resulting in a broken neck and more brain injury trauma, all in a few years.) it’s just that if you just met me right now you’d have no idea what I’ve gone through as there is no physical signs. From the outside you can’t really tell all that went on from 2020-2023 but I’m still working through getting back on track and it feels so slow sometimes. The other side of it is that I have fallen in love with my slower life and it often leaves me with the questions of what should I aim for exactly? Should I aim to do more or could it have all been a master plan to slow me down enough to enjoy this beautiful life God is blessing me with and just realize that all of that had to happen so I could truly be content as I am today? In a lot of ways I am living the life I prayed for but likely couldn’t have enjoyed it the way I do without all those major setbacks or detours to get me here. I guess I’ll continue to struggle between doing more and being content for a little longer to see which wins out in the end.

That being said, I can honestly say that if all that had to happen so I would end up a farmer at this current point in time, it was worth it and I couldn’t be happier than I am right now.


Adonai Farm

Here’s the things that I have been learning about farming other than the mechanical mechanism such as paper work, lists, targets, setbacks and team work. I’ve been learning that God makes life fairly simple and we like to complicate it. I’ve learned that you can wear the cutest outfits and the dirt that ends up on them is like the fancy bracelet to finish the look. It’s crazy how we can replace the gym with exercise while getting our food at the same time. Seems a lot more logical than driving to the gym, then buying processed food. It just seems all so opposite, and I’ve lived in the city for much of my life so I get we do what we can but it’s crazy how far off we’ve gotten from this simple way of life. We can create beautiful relationships from helping eachother with this work and enjoy good conversations all while working as a team. We can have enough for ourselves and enough to share generously if we stay consistent. I know this might sound simple and obvious but it’s still so strange when we really look at all the lifestyle options in the world and the ways things have been progressing.

God’s miracles at work again in my life.

God had me start working on a start up farm last year when my physical health still wasn’t ready for the full thing and he gave me a few beautiful people to support my need for baby steps. It all got started when I happen to move to a remote place ( long story how I got there, I’ll save that for the book) where I was led to attend a very small rural church in the area where I met some like minded folks who loved God the way I did and had the same vision of working the land like I did. It was amazing and they had a similar dream in their heart to farm and provide local food for the community all while serving the Lord, so it was only fitting that we would create a friendship while working on our common goal of growing organic food. I mostly would just help them weed but I needed the physical element and they could use the help so it turned out great for both of us and I just loved watching it all come together. This year they named it Adonai Farm and had one massive load of asparagus that was truly amazing. They sold right out and God is clearly blessing their work.


Asparagus at Adonai Farm

This year God decided I was ready for the next phase in healing and learning. I really wasn’t sure if I could physically handle the labour or the hours of a farmer as they really do work very hard. It’s incredible what they do so we can eat! I found it extremely motivational to try and get in good enough shape to pull my weight so I started back at they gym in the winter and was dedicated to training again and really getting fit for the job. It’s been amazing being back in physical shape to do such a labour intensive job and I’m truly feeling blessed each day I get to use my body in this way. Praise God for His healing power! It’s amazing that when your physical health is taken away for a time how grateful you become to have it back. I never thought I’d be working on a farm but am I ever so glad for the opportunity. It’s exciting to see what all goes on behind the scenes of our food. It’s great work and I wish everyone got the opportunity in one way or another to grow food. It’s incredibly satisfying and fulfilling.

My take away and what I’d like to share mostly here is that God has a unique plan for people’s healing journey and He always has a set up for more than we can ask or think. Farming is great exercise and a great way to improve your health both physically and mentally.

I’m not going to say all farmers are healthy because you can overdue it, make poor eating choices or be at a farm that uses lots of chemicals so don’t take this as a blanket statement but you can be healthy and extremely happy as a farmer.


Healthy people have community where they give and receive. Healthy people eat plenty of veggies, healthy people are active not just in the gym, and for some people no need for a gym at all as they work their body at their job or hobby regularly. Healthy people know their maker and serve Him with their life. Healthy people pray. Healthy people know what it is to worship God and to know it is by His amazing grace that we are here. Healthy people have a servants heart. Healthy people love.

Jesus answered, “It is written: 
‘Man shall not live on bread alone, 
but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

A special thanks to Trevor and Vanessa the owners of Adonai Farm in Malakwa, BC. For all their kindness, generosity, prayers and support. May God continue to bless you and your work.

Also, I’d love to thank Wildflight Farms, Mara, BC for letting me join the team for more education and letting me have fun at the markets.

Also, on a side note, I got baptized with these guys last year in the Eagle River and we are calling all who feel led to be baptized to come out and do so. We will be announcing some dates soon. May you be blessed by this testimony and let it fill you with hope for your own healing.

Read more about our Baptism HERE


If you’d to purchase of of my latest hat designs “Malabama” Farmer Hat ($65)- email me at 

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