Next level moments
It’s been a crazy summer and as much as I have wanted to share all the details, there simply has not been enough time to climb the mountains, farm the land, entertain family and friends, fall in love, train, get good sleeps, cook and eat good healthy meals and rest. I thought I could quickly give you a little update to let you know things are going really great and phase 4 healing really has been the completion of my healing journey. God is at work as always and things are spectacular and better than ever.
If you are popping in for the first time, my name is Claire and I have been a health and wellness coach for 20 years and I was put on a journey to learn first hand about recovery through an extensive trial and training period of 3 years, that included a traumatic brain injury from a snowboarding accident, followed by a cancer scare with a benign tumor, followed by a severe car accident where I broke my neck and suffered more brain trauma all while the world was shutting down and causing emotional and mental trauma. Not to mention losing two of my best friends to substance overdoses and watching other loved ones harm themselves with alcohol and substance to cope with the shifting times. It was a lot and a lot to take recover from.
Since July 2022 after the car accident I have been on the recovery journey and sharing what I can about the miracles, natural remedies and activities that God has been revealing to me during my recovery. I did not have much help from the medical field and my story is one for testimony purposes. My hope is that I can inspire, educate and just share my story that includes natural ways to heal through the guiding of God’s goodness and leading. He has given me a personal blueprint to restore through natural remedies, prayer and divine instruction. I believe He is using my story to help others and bring hope to those going through various trials and to remind people that He is the one with the answers and we can trust Him to bring us through many difficulties. If He can do it for me, He can do it for you or someone you love.
He is on the move in our communities, countries and the world. He is at work as always and it truly is a glorious time to be alive.
Thanks for stopping in.

In my last post I told you guys that I was working with some farmers this year and have been truly having the time of my life, such a great group of people and the physical challenge is just what I needed to strengthen my body and brain. I don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun at work as I do with them and organic farming is just so very rewarding. Knowing you are helping feed other people healthy whole foods is such a good feeling. We have so much fun together at work we decided to go on an adventure because we often don’t have as much time to visit when we are working. This trip was a great team build and time to get to know each other a little but better. I think these kinds of community activities are just so healthy and needed these days. If you have a church group, family event or work event, I would highly recommend planning a trip like this.
I have been on a few hikes over the years while in recovery but this one was a little longer and a little more challenging. I probably would not have planned to do this one on my own but thankful I was pushed to do so. I have some pretty amazing people around me these days that keep me motivated and challenge me to go a little further and push a little harder. Everyone needs that from time to time and when you are in recovery, it’s important to have people understand your level, so not to push you too hard but also when you are ready, not let you stay in the comfort zone. I am definitely ready to leave the comfort zone and really push it. It can be so easy to fall into excuse zone when you have been knocked down a few times. You do have to push it and you will feel amazing after if you do, plus it will improve your recovery and hopefully all round life in general.
As much as I love training in the gym for strengthening and maintenance, I am very driven by real adventures. The destination adventures are so rewarding and the pictures are always epic.
If you are planning some hiking and you are new to the scene, I do want to tell you it’s a good idea to be prepared. You do need a backpack, water, snacks like trail mix. A good meal is important because these hikes are physically demanding. We had someone with bear spray because you just never know. I always like having a whistle but that’s more for when I’m alone. It always feels safer to go with a group and a lot more fun.

Reggie, was always running from the front of the group to the back making sure no one was getting left behind. He is the best companion and such a good adventure and farm dog, we all love him.

The fun part about getting to the top of Eagle pass is that there is remains of an old cabin that was built up there. I just the thought it was inspiring to think of the work it would take to build at such a highly remote point with such an amazing view. Can you imagine waking up to that view daily? I guess if you wanted to you can always camp overnight to see what it would be like. It might be a little isolating but sometimes that’s just what a person needs.
Anyway, I need to get going as summer is flying by and there is so much I still want to do but I am working on a book that will give more details of the ways God has led me through this interesting and exciting trial to be fully and completely healed. I am officially well now and look forward to having more to share with you in the coming months. I hope you make time to get out there and adventure too, if you are able and if you are also in a trial or recovery, let this story give you hope and remind you, it’s not forever, there are always mountain tops and valley’s on the journey and God is good all the time, all the time God is good.
The Reason for the Season- Our Saviour is born!
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

In reference to the way Jesus came to us in a humble way and not quite what we expected, 2023 has had this story line ringing in my ear as I reflect on the events that took place in the last 12 months and how it did not happen at all like I thought it would. I can truly say I have never been so blessed and I only have one person to blame for that….His name is Jesus!
This little light of mine

This program touches on the aspects of the fit life that include sharing your journey with family, friends and those around you in a loving and exciting way.
There is an ongoing self-reflection when it comes to those who strive for excellence. Finding balance in all things is the key to long term success.
Many fitness programs focus on exercise and diet alone but this program focuses on how to stay motivated while making your life about others. When you realize how needed you are and how inspiring others is the ultimate motivation, you will never see taking care of yourself the same way. Being surrounded with love is about creating a loving and healthy environment. Taking care of yourself is the first step in loving others.
Having a Fit Soul is all about how to create and maintain a healthy life for yourself and those you care about. Do it for them and reap the benefits of a long happy and healthy life.
I know time is going by without many posts as of late but it’s just part of the recovery process. There comes a time where you just have to put yourself and your rest requirements first.
I do want to say that this last season, although has been filled with many obstacles is turning out to be one of the biggest setups I’ve felt in a long time. It’s like I can feel the times and seasons shift and I don’t mean just the weather, my age or any other carnal thing but spiritually I can feel it. God is doing some big moves currently.
God is calling His people to get ready and be ready for the days to come. He is opening the floodgates of healing, restoring and love to over pour on those who are seeking Him. In fact, I believe it’s already started. I can feel it, I can sense such a beautiful time coming.
I know for many people they may not feel it but when things get dark, God gets even brighter. His love is so tangible and real and can’t wait to hear all the stories that will start pouring in of His Grace and Mercy!
That’s all I want to share right now but will give you more updates as I feel led in the coming months.