RESET- Full Circle to Abundance

by Claire Rae
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Back to the basics never felt so good…

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

I always look forward to what God shares during RESET seasons. Many revelations and next level dimensions but all seemingly basic at the core. Life has a way of unvailing the truth in the scripture for those who are willing to see and hear.

This last RESET has not been like the rest. It has been more profound and more literal than I think I have experienced since I started this health and personal growth journey. I had many things that were litterally getting reset such as schedules, mindsets, daily self care protocols, relationships , career focus, and heart postures.

I recently moved to a new home and new town, one of which I hadn’t planned but am ever so thankful for, as you may have read in recent blog posts but this all plays into what RESET is about. You take what life has thrown at you and you turn it into something awesome all while growing and evolving.

This RESET was God ordained and the focus was the daily practice of asking what to do each day and just following His lead. My routine bounced back to what I would call normal for me, in terms of morning prayer, food prep and cutting back on treats and moving more regularly but I was also taking a a course so with all the studying there were some drawbacks on physical activities but sometimes priorities change and your focus makes you a little unbalanced for a short season and then you can get back to other things when the time again permits. I primarily worked out from home and daily walks in nature as this has become very ritualistic for me and healing in multiple ways. I have been diligent to keep increasing my brain capacity, not for recovery reasons as much as last year but ultimately for growth, because even if there is a slower response I refuse to allow my brain to do anything but progress. As I always say, do as much as is possible and let God do the rest.

I have also been working hard at my new ukulele practice and have been getting prepared for my first performances for the holidays. I’m pretty excited about that as I know music always puts smiles on people’s faces. Focusing on simple pleasures have been the norm in this last 3 months and I have so much to be grateful for, my RESET journal is full of thanksgiving.

The part in the RESET program where you take inventory of your schedule was pretty revealing to me this round and I re-adjusted some of the areas that I felt were being wasted and realigned myself to some multi-tasking and solid rest scheduling. 

I really felt more like my kid self in this last RESET than ever before. It’s been so fun and amazing just enjoying the basics with good people and simple pleasures. It was like God was renewing me from the inside out and showing me all the places I had compromised who I was and who I was made to be. Piece by piece I was getting a renewal of spirit. It was really great to reflect on the places and opportunities that have been given to me over the years but also the ability to leave it all there, in the past and just take the good parts and leave the not so good behind. I am so looking forward to the next SHIFT and see where life takes me next. 

The world has a lot of problems these days but I want to remind you that they aren’t all yours. I know for me, I really had to get that through my head this round. Taking care of ourselves is our first responsibility and obviously not our only one but sometimes you need to take a step back and take care of yourself so you CAN again take care of others in a healthy way.


I do want to say that this selfie was hard to post because my mind has changed about a lot of the ways we relate with each other and perhaps there are good and bad things about the way we share with each other but I do want you to know that when you share your RESET progress with others you do inspire many of us. I know as I watched many others RESET I was encouraged on my own journey and that’s good enough reason to share your progress. It gives us hope and those who don’t like it, they don’t get it and that’s ok.

If you haven’t taken the RESET yet I encourage you to do so. The steps are all good reminders and the flow keeps you going and growing.

Thanks for being part of my journey and I hope that you too can enough the simplicity of life and all it has to offer.

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