Being that we are under a renovation at the ark, there really wasn’t anywhere to host a Christmas for the folks out there. I had an idea that not only would be a great place to gather for Christmas dinner but also to enjoy for many gatherings throughout the year. I really wanted to have a sanctuary in general on the property. I just love tipis and needed a good excuse to get one. Being that Christmas is my favourite time of year, I thought it would be perfect. I just love the tipi for its gathering ability, its warmth, its comfort and its fashion in general. Plus, who wouldn’t want to enjoy a winter adventure in a tipi?
There really isn’t anything like getting outside away from wifi and just being in nature to reset, get inspired and just truly rest.
After writing the RESET-90 Happy Healthy days program I really wanted to have my own time to just unwind, reflect and recharge. I really think it’s important to do that every once in a while. Resetting may look different for different people at different times but for me, I’ve really had an urge to be outside and away from the hustle. I find that being in nature helps me connect with my creative side and allows me to just flow in a way that feels natural. Good sleep, exercise, creative activities and good food are all part of my perfect reset.
I spent the extra time reading, playing my guitar, painting and paddling. Although there were fires in the area it didn’t seem to bother me. I napped when the bugs started to get busy in the afternoon and just enjoyed the slow pace of the day. Each day was a little different and I had plenty of visitors but some of the days I got to enjoy all to myself which I am very thankful for.