Transformation Season is Here

by Claire Rae
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It’s celebration time for my clients and challengers. I wanted to take a moment and thank all of my clients from 2021, sometimes I wonder who inspired who more. I am forever thankful and grateful for my clients that have allowed me to be part of their fitness and lifestyle journey. Building strong people and communities is my passion and would not be able to live it out without your support, so thank you again!

Client Success Story 

A shout out to my client Shay Yellowbird for his fitness and sobriety success. I am so proud to be part of Shay’s wellbeing coaching team. He is a leader in his community and showing through example that good health and success is possible and even though he has had some setbacks he keeps coming back stronger and more empowered time and time again. 

Thanks Shay for inspiring so many people, your hard work does not go unnoticed. Your an inspiration to our communities. 


Recovery and Transformation is more than meets the eye

I want to take a moment to address more than just fitness results but also transformation on a  mental and spiritual level. The battles most people face are way beyond surface level and go unnoticed to the naked eye but for me as a coach, I get to see and hear some of the best parts and want to share a little bit about what I have witnessed this last year.

With the war on our health and wellbeing in full motion I have noticed an increase in addiction and relapse for those who have been strong in past seasons. This past two years have plagued people’s mental and physical state on a level we’ve never seen before but I am pleased to see many of my clients not only make it through this tough season but come out better and stronger than ever. I absolutely think that many people are going to beat addiction once and for all this year. I have even seen an increase of clients reaching out and starting their our coaching and encouragement pages, which brings me great pleasure. We most certainly need more voices screaming health and wellness.  I know this has been a hard time and I encourage everyone to get guidance and support if needed on their health journey. Having a coach brings you encouragement and accountability, plus, it’s nice having someone look after you in a way that is best and not just winging it and leaving it until you get sick or in crisis. 

Being healthy mentally and physically is vital for surviving this psychological warfare. Having like minded support is also very important. Never let yourself believe you are alone. You are never alone if you don’t want to be. There are literally thousands of support groups, coaches or clubs you can tap into. If you are suffering from addiction, find one of the pages or groups I support and get involved or just google addiction support groups and start looking around. Don’t try and do it alone, no one succeeds that way and you aren’t weak for looking for help. In fact, strong people admit when then are doing self harm whether it be alcohol drinking multiple times a week, sugar or overeating, drugs, social media addiction, porn, video games or any other thing that would rob you of real connection to love and community. If you have tried coaching or support groups before and it didn’t work out, try again, try something new, keep trying until you find a fit. 

Do not let another year of this craziness pass you by thinking you’ll just wait until things open up and get better. That day is long past and it’s now time to be part of a strengthening group. This next season will need mentally strong and supported people. I’m here for you. Check out my support groups page to see if there is a fit. It’s free.


This book was highly recommended by Shay. 

Online therapy and counselling


Reach out for coaching or support groups. Email me at and I’ll point you in the right direction.

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