Groups and Clubs

by Claire Rae
Groups and Clubs

Getting connected is more important than ever. I have always been a lover of bringing people together. I’ll do whatever it takes. I have started these groups with Telegram and Zoom so go ahead and download them so you can join in on one of these groups. I am often travelling around so it’s been hard have in person regular people time so zoom it is. I also think it’s great because that way we can always stay connected. I think that everyone needs to be part of something  positive these days and no matter how you are feeling you can feel safe and accepted here. If you are nervous, go ahead and send me a message anywhere you find me and I’ll guide you to the best group or just say hello. I’m here to welcome you in and remind you that everything is going to be ok and you have a support group;)

Thursday – Zoom Bible Study- 8PM MST Zoom

We are a group of people from all over that want to study and discuss the Bible and current events. I like to be a watchers of the times on God’s time line. 

More info HERE

We are currently working through Daniel.


Fitness Support and Coaching groups

Claire Rae Fit app has groups and programs within the app. 

Find your level and your program and connect to others within the community.