Get Local- Get Healthy

by Claire Rae
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Lot’s to share as the harvest season is wrapping up and I am getting back into some routines and getting ready for SHIFT

I took the summer off from the gym as I was taking on long hours of blissful physical  labour days during the farming season. It was very rewarding but not too much time for focused training. As you know, there is a season for everything and always an opportunity to learn new ways to stay healthy. 

If you’re looking for a fun little photo opt for harvest season, I really enjoyed Bloom Festival. Sunflowers are just so beautiful and I just love how they follow their face to the light. It’s so symbolic.
They just extended their season to Oct 14th. 
Check it out- GET TICKETS



I’ve learned that we are always in some sort of preparation or recovery and sometimes when we are lucky in a season of maintenance. Unfortunately/fortunately life doesn’t usually stay the same for too long and there are always changes in circumstances in health, obligations and goals. 

Now that I am in my 40’s I still want to look good but my focus has been more for long term health and sustainability. I know that I have preached a lot about health and the food situation over the last 20 plus years but I think it’s even more important now than ever with all the attacks on our health. We need to talk about where to get our food and not just what we eat but how it is processed and created. I’ve had a pretty incredible opportunity to learn more about our food and how it’s being produced from right inside the industry. If we want to truly see change we have to be the change and we have to take actions that will support the right things and cancel the parts that are making us sick and tired.  There are answers and an abundance of healthy options for all who want them. 

There really is nothing new but there has been some adjustments that needed to be addressed again as I find we constantly need to be veered back from all the distractions, industry lies, unhealthy options and short cuts. There really aren’t any short cuts to healthy living in terms of we all need to learn our body at it’s current stage and do what we can to take care of it and set healthy goals to be the best version of it as we can be now and for the future. As I scroll through social media, I often come across the posts about food and the toxic levels that I feel like I have been preaching my whole life and I wonder how many people still think it’s all good and go about there merry way just consuming without thinking of the long term effects on their health? How much should we care and what can we actually do about it all?  Or how many people know of the toxicity and just keep eating it and supporting these brands and companies due to the fact that the food has become so addictive they are embarrassed to admit they are addicted to it? I know, I could put my hand up for falling for that and knowing that the battle is real and it is no joke.  Those scientists that have formulated addictive additives knew what they were doing and made those companies a lot of money. More importantly,  what does it take to conquer these kinds of problems? How do we help each other live healthy lives in our communities without judging or shaming one another but also making a big enough impact that will change the course of our markets and society and help us get back on healthy track for all and future generations. It makes me quiver to think of what little ones consume on the regular as we see the rise in every disease and mental issue under the sun. We truly are in a battle for our health and those we love. 

I believe that we all play out our little parts while we learn and we grow. We do have impact with every choice we make, there is always someone watching you, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t care what people think of you but if you have someone you love that you want to enjoy life with or children you do care about, you want them to be their best so all you can do is take care of yourself and your community the best you can with the knowledge you are being given. It might start out small but over time things change as we do. I have had many new experiences that will add to the next chapter of health and healing of our bodies and my coaching profession and I am passionate about serving you with knowledge and encouragement to keep getting up and trying again. There is always a give and take in life. I’ve gone from gym junkie to learning organic farming as I believe there is value in learning about where our food comes from and how we can improve what we eat. I support my local organic community with my money and that’s what we should all be looking to do as much as possible. Money is power that we have and how we use it shows up in our lives and the lives of those in our community.  

Since the social media boom I have been sharing and spending time researching and learning and one thing I’ve noticed is the importance of your local community and how vital it is that you participate in both a give and take kind of way. 

Over that last few years I have been spending a lot more time with my local community, trying to be present with those who I can help or encourage near by as I have learned that these are the people that also help me when I need it. Becoming more local driven has been a large Shift for me as I travelled around the world a lot of the time before 2020. There is a lot of fulfillment in being more local and you’d be surprised what you learn by just being present there and getting out in your local area wherever that is for you. I’m not saying that distance relationships aren’t valued and with technology these days its incredible what we can do and how we can connect but our daily habits should involve the people around you. I realize that might be a silly statement and maybe even obvious but with so much online and social media addiction, please do take inventory of how you contribute to your local community. We need more people like you living healthy and being an advocate for healthy living. 

If you are interested in this community living and want to be part of the movement of wellbeing but just aren’t ready to be involved as a leader of health yet or you are just looking to make a healthy shift in your own life but came here to see if there is support and motivation, I want to invite you to my Shift program. I will be launching it in the new year but realize sometime we need some time before we really commit. If you are ready to say yes now you can enjoy the early bird sign up. Ask a friend to do it with you and make a point of being part of your local community. Either join your local gym, or maybe a hiking group or church or something where you get to check in with others. If you are already involved in your community, perhaps go to an event you normally wouldn’t and be open to trying something new. You never know what you might learn or who you might meet. 

Learn more about SHIFT here

I met some great folks the other day and they invited me out to their farm where I got a full tour on how they raise and deliver high quality water buffalo. I’m really glad I made the connection and got to learn about another great source of lean protein from my local farmer. I of course have to share their information so you can order some water buffalo for yourself ( they do ship). I checked it out myself and do believe you will get great quality meat and know that you are supporting a local business that does what is right for these animal. Not only that, but it’s delicious. My favourite is the jerky! A perfect hiking snack.

Check out their website – REVERENT ACRES

Follow on Instagram @reverentacres


I’m trying to share more local BC and Canadian businesses that are doing a great job at supporting locally and helping our country thrive in business, healthy families and communities. 

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